
The present study aims to identify the role of standard factors and other regular potential determinants in influencing the tourist arrivals in Indian state of Kerala. We used month-wise data of the foreign tourist arrivals in Kerala from January 2002 to December 2019 and applied auto-regressive distributed lagged (ARDL) approach, with the seasonality-adjusted data, for the same.


MCS-5, AMAN-CED, Second Floor

Session Theme

2C: Insights from Complex Economic Datasets

Session Type

Parallel Technical Session

Session Discussant

Anwar Hussain, University of Swat, Swat

Start Date

17-11-2023 11:50 AM

End Date

17-11-2023 1:20 PM

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Nov 17th, 11:50 AM Nov 17th, 1:20 PM

Kerala’s international tourism demand: an inquiry into the validity of the standard and regular determinants

MCS-5, AMAN-CED, Second Floor

The present study aims to identify the role of standard factors and other regular potential determinants in influencing the tourist arrivals in Indian state of Kerala. We used month-wise data of the foreign tourist arrivals in Kerala from January 2002 to December 2019 and applied auto-regressive distributed lagged (ARDL) approach, with the seasonality-adjusted data, for the same.